Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A moment of silence.

I’m not sure how to detail the series of events that has kept me quiet for the past few weeks. What began as pain flaring in Alyx’s teeth earlier in the week escalated quickly into a weekend of panicked pain. We spent 3 nights in the ER begging politely to be paid attention to, calling numerous offices trying to appeal to a human side of the medical community. I watched my partner pace and squirm and rock in excruciating pain, the thought of which still brings tears to my eyes. I slept maybe 2-3 hours per night, berating myself for leaving her alone. I searched myself over and over, not knowing who to call or what to do, not sure how to access the level of emergency.
All of this occurred simply because we had the great misfortune of spotty insurance and the audacity to need dental care on the weekend. Thankfully her mother was able to fly in so that I could return to work as her jaw infection slowly dissipated. Now, weeks later her jaw is merely stiff and we are still sleep deprived. Friday evening I fell into bed and slept a full 13 hours. I feel like a brand new person, having sleep walked for weeks.
I think we’re finally ready to bounce back.

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